Tuesday 17 January 2023

The Barrel Business


The Barrel Business

Mobile Draught Bar 

MSIZA BEVERAGE's 2022-2024 IT Strategic Plan outlines goals and objectives for the next years to continue to develop the organization for the benefit of MSIZA BEVERAGE's mission, employees, partners organization and stakeholders. The strategic focus is on enabling mission through technology. The vision for MSIZA BEVERAGE Technology's future aligns with the division's priorities and thus aligns with 's overall business plan. These included the division's strategic priorities for improving management systems, achieving management excellence through technological advancements, developing leadership, and promoting diversity, and equity, inclusion, and accessibility to develop a qualified workforce that can serve the clientele we have. The Vision of MSIZA BEVERAGE which prioritises the need to deploy the cutting-edge management solution that will support in the management and organisational structure. The consistent with the review of Several factors played an important role in shaping the direction of MSIZA BEVERAGE technology and subsequent strategic planning.

The proposed information system strategic plan is based on internal and external business environment analysis and internal and external ICT environment analysis through SWOT analysis (triwidayanti, 2022). This strategy will yield positive results within a period of a year as the current clientele will also be on-boarded to the new system for more effectively and preferable customer experience.

Msiza Beverage Managing Director: Mr Phakade 069 712 7333